Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Yom Kippur Baby Clothes

At first, I didn't think I should create any designs for Yom Kippur. I figured fasting and repentance weren't really meant for infants and toddlers. But it is a High Holy Day, after all, so after a while I found some inspiration to create some Yom Kippur onesies and T-shirts. You'll also find a couple creations from other designers below. I only feature my favorites!

Yom Kippur Bottle

Yom Kippur Bottle
provided by:
Little Characters

This is one of my designs - though it isn't my typical style (no drawing of a baby!) It features a big bottle with a beautiful Star of David on the label. The top says "My First Yom Kippur" and the small print at the bottom is "I'm not fasting yet!"

Shofar Blowing Champion Gifts & Clothes

Shofar Blowing Champion Gifts & Clothes
provided by:
Low Schmaltz

I like the stylized letters in this. It really does look like a badge or award for the Shofar Blowing Champion!

Yom Kippur Blue PJs

Yom Kippur Blue PJs
provided by:
Little Characters

This is one of my designs. This little boy is wearing blue pajamas with little blue Jewish stars all over them and the message is "Yom Kippur: Sorry about all those sleepless nights!" Clearly a baby or toddler can't offer meaningful apologies, but it might be comforting to imagine he's really sorry.

Yom Kippur Pink PJs

Yom Kippur Pink PJs
provided by:
Little Characters

Here is a similar design with a different skin tone and pink PJs for a girl. If your baby wears this Yom Kippur onesie, she might provide a bit of comic relief on a very serious day.